Friday, July 5, 2013

Person to person selling

Did you know that 64.3% of product sales are made by individual/ person-to-person selling?

Direct Sales is the act of selling products away from a retail location, a storefront. So basically it is selling products one on one to people from your home. Person-to-person selling is the most widely used method in direct sales. This method of direct selling also involves various strategies but essentially involve interacting directly with a customer for the purpose of pitching in products and services and selling them. These can be in the form of door-to-door sellingselling by phonecatalogue distribution, and other such individual marketing efforts. Most independent sales consultants initially start by selling products and services to friends and family and expand their network of customers from there. It is not advisable to just sell to family and friends, as while it is a convenient and viable option initially, one cannot achieve one's financial goals by only selling within one’s comfort zone. There are many ways by which you can build a network and it all starts with getting the message across to your customers. 

My Accessory Business offers sales kits that include everything you need to start selling to customers directly with all inclusive sales kits starting at only $49. These kits include over $150 worth of jewelry. You can set your own prices and sell each piece directly to your customers. Visit for more information on sales kit options available. 

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